Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Antarctic Seals

Antarctic Seals By Alan Parker and Catherine Parker. This book is filled with seal facts. Seals are mammals,and they are found in all oceans in the world. Leopard seals hunt penguins underwater. Weddel pups have to start finding food for themselves at seven weeks. The pup snuggles close to its mother and feeds on her rich , creamy milk. Many seal pups don’t survive their first months at sea . Weddell seals are the only seals that spend the long,dark winter in the Antarctic. All that breed on the ice in the far south of the world are true seals. Seals join together in large groups called colonies . Leopard seals hunt alone. I learnt lots of facts about seals. I liked the fact when it talked about the seal pup.I liked it because seal pups are cute. My favourite part is when it talks about weddell seals because they are my favourite types of seals. I didn’t like it when it said leopard seals hunt penguins.Because I like penguins. I would recommend this book to Ryleigh because she likes seals. I think people who like seals should read this book. .